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Cristalina Scripted and directed by Katherina Tsirakis for the song "Cristalina" from the album "Canções pro efim do mundo" by the singer Tupiniquin. A woman sails into the sea, on the run. On the high seas, she gives up her animal mask, her object of power that symbolizes Intuition. Repentant, she jumps into the sea during a storm to go after her mask. All seems lost when women from the depths of the water emerge to help her in this rescue.


Release Date: June 12th

Directed by: Katherina Tsirakis

Art Direction, Animation and Drawings by: Lola Ramos

Screenplay: Katherina Tsirakis and Lola Ramos

Production assistant: Stella Balboni

Artistic & Executive Direction: Jorge Tupiniquin and Katherina Tsirakis

Post-production: DOTcine

Colorista: Ely Silva, ABC

Conform: Gustavo Mendes Júlio César V. Gonçalves

1. Chilean International Festival of short film of Santiago - FESANCOR. Santiago, Chile. 2017. Best International Experimental Short Film.

2. Courant Festival 3D. Clermont-Ferrand, France. 2017. Best Film by the Jury Student

3. Vancouver Alternative Cinema Festival - VACIF. Vancouver, Canada. 2017. Best Experimental Movie. Best Cinematography.

4. South Film Festival And Arts Academy Festival - SFAAF. Rancagua, Chile. 2017 Best Experimental Movie. Honorable Mention of Art Direction in Short Footage Best Original Short Film Soundtrack. Best Effects Visuals in Short Film.


5. Global Motion Pictures Awards. 2018. Best Sound Design.


6. 36th Del Uruguay International Film Festival - Montevideo, Uruguay. 2018. [Selected]


7. Filmstrip International Film Festival. Iasi, Romania. 2017 [Selected]

8. Latin American Film Festival - Denton, USA. 2018 [Selected]


9. New York City Independent Film Festival - New York, USA. 2018. [Selected]


10. FILE - International Festival of Electronic Language. São Paulo Brazil. 2018. [Selected]

Cristalina (Lyrics)


Oh Cristalina

Tens o dom do amor Dormes menina

Quem te assustou?


Oh Cristalina

Tens o dom do amor Foges menina

Quem te abusou?


Oh Cristalina

Tens o dom do amor Corre menina

Quem matou o amor?


Oh Cristalina

Tens o do amor Dormes menina

Quem te assustou ?

Adorei como a voz de Tupiniquin é naturalmente grave, mas com bom alcance nas notas mais agudas, principalmente nos versos e estrofes de maior entrega. Ouça, também, "Consolação", a segunda do disco, e "Cristalina", que ganhou um clipe que pode ser assistido no player abaixo. Dramático e apoteótico. - Rolling Stone

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